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Carnival Capers

Published 08/31/2017 01:40 PM   |    Updated 06/01/2023 04:10 PM
Carnival Caper is a voyage long event where guests must solve a cunning mystery.
Five VIPs (performed by five entertainment team members) have joined the ship, along with a valuable painting. That painting has mysteriously disappeared and our five VIPs are the top suspects!

Carnival Caper has seven activities for the guests to attend/complete in order to gather all the clues to solve the mystery. Guests must discover who stole the painting, what tool they used to break into the cargo hold and what location they shipped the painting to. Guests will then enter their accusation slips into a box where one winner will be drawn during The Big Reveal event.
Carnival Capers is featured on cruises six days and longer. 


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