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Guess That Groove

Published 05/01/2015 10:03 AM   |    Updated 02/15/2022 10:26 AM
Some lyrics are legendary. So, listen up and see if you can guess that song. It’s a little competition and a whole lot of fun!
'Guess That Groove' is an event that combines music from all different genres and generations into a unique and fun interactive party. Guests will participate in four musical/lyrical challenge rounds in a game show format that creates lots of audience response and guest participation. 
This activity consists of the following four rounds:
  • Guess That Song – Guess the title of a song
  • Reverse Mic Drop – Guess the title of a song as it’s played in reverse
  • Audience Mashup – Guess the artist as the audience acts them out (like charades)
  • Guess That Groove – Fill in the missing lyric

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