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Items Overboard Policy

Published 08/06/2019 09:11 AM   |    Updated 06/26/2020 01:29 PM
Carnival Cruise Line is dedicated to protecting the environment, including the marine environment in which our vessels sail and the communities in which we operate, striving to prevent adverse environmental consequences and using resources efficiently and sustainably.
All guests are expected to adhere to the following environmental guidelines:  
  • Guests are liable for any illegal dumping or pollution of any kind, including discharge of any item into the ocean and/or waterways.
  • Any willful or negligent act of discharging or releasing any unauthorized item overboard, without the express permission of the ship's staff may result in a $500 charge, per violation, and reimbursement cost of Carnival property will be posted on the guest’s Sail & Sign® account and may also result in the disembarkation of all guests in the stateroom.
  • Guests who are disembarked for violating our policy will be responsible for all financial charges and expenses to return home, and no refund of their unused cruise fare will be provided. Additionally, they may be prohibited from sailing with Carnival Cruise Line in the future.
Our items overboard policy is included in Carnival's Cruise Ticket Contract.
Do not throw any items overboard, the ocean thanks you!

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