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Religious Services

Published 01/21/2016 11:38 AM   |    Updated 01/21/2016 12:41 PM
Carnival respects our guests’ religious beliefs and invites them to practice on their own or with other members of their group. However, we do not place clergy on board our ships.

Clergy traveling as guests onboard our ships are welcome to volunteer to conduct services while sailing. They should leave their name, cabin number, and services offered at the Guest Services Desk and they will be contacted by a member of the Cruise Director's Staff.

Volunteer clergy must bring a Letter of Good Standing from their religious organization with them to provide to the onboard staff. Approval of services will be made based on the letter, schedule suitability, venue availability, etc. Appropriate supplies may not be available onboard, so clergy are encouraged to bring needed items with them, except for wine which can be provided onboard.

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