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How do I update my personal information on my profile?

Published 12/08/2015 11:28 AM   |    Updated 01/05/2024 03:51 PM

To update your personal information, please follow these instrustions:

  • Go to
  • Click on 'Login', located at the top right of the screen or click here.
  • Log in with your email address and password.
  • Click on 'your name' located at the top right of the page and then click on 'My Profile' where you can update 'Account Info', 'Contact Settings' or 'Travel Companions'.
    • Under the 'Account Info' tab, you can update all of your personal information such as your name, address, phone number, date of birth, gender and password
    • Under the 'Contact Settings' tab, you can update how you would like to receive news and offers (email? regular mail?) - the choice is yours; you can also unsubscribe here as well.
    • Under the 'Travel Companions' tab, you are able to add, update and remove your traveling companions.
  • Once you have made necessary changes, click on 'Save', found near the bottom left side of the page.
  • All done. Don't forget to 'Logout', located at the top right of the screen.


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