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Safety Briefing - Muster Station Drill

Published 03/11/2015 10:01 PM   |    Updated 12/04/2023 12:33 PM
In 2021, Carnival Cruise Line implemented a new Guest Safety Briefing, which consists of a self-mustering process of guests at their assigned muster station. Guests can identify their assigned muster station on their boarding pass, Sail & Sign Card or cabin key. Once they visit their assigned muster station, they will check in with one of the dedicated muster station team members, who will demonstrate the correct donning of a lifejacket.

Guests will be invited to visit their assigned muster station during the embarkation process and must be conducted by all guests before sailing. 
Throughout the embarkation process, guests will be able to learn about the self-mustering process and receive safety information through videos playing on board, on their stateroom television, announcements and the Carnival HUB App. 
Prior to departure, an announcement including important safety instructions and a demonstration of the General Emergency Alarm will be played.

Through the self-mustering process and safety information available in announcements and videos, Carnival Cruise Line complies with the SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) requirements for a passenger safety briefing. According to SOLAS, Chapter III, Regulations 19.2.2. and 19.2.3, whenever new passengers embark, a passenger Safety Briefing shall be given immediately before sailing or immediately after sailing. Passengers shall be instructed in the use of the lifejackets and the action to take in an emergency.
Since implementing the self-muster in July 2021, guests have responded very positively to the process and report improved retention of important safety matters. As an added benefit, this self-mustering process improves the guest experience by allowing guests to reach their muster station at a time convenient to them and to spend less time in a large muster gathering, maximizing their time on board to have fun before setting sail. 

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