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Pool Safety

Published 03/11/2015 10:01 PM   |    Updated 08/04/2021 03:01 PM

Carnival Cruise Line is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all of our guests in all aspects of their cruise experience. This includes pool safety, which we have always taken very seriously.

Vigilance and awareness is clearly proven to be the best means for ensuring safety when using water facilities such as pools and waterparks and everyone, including parents and employees, share in that responsibility.  To that end, we have made and will continue to make significant investments in training our employees through highly respected water safety training organizations on water safety, CPR and first aid as well as being prepared to initiate proactive intervention if necessary. 

To offer an additional layer of safety, all ships in the Carnival fleet provide complimentary swim life vests for use in ship pools. Life vests for children of various sizes are available and on display near the main midship pool. We also have adult sizes up to XL-size (extra large/chest size 43-46 inches). Guests can take them and replace them during the day, as they wish. Life vests cannot be worn in WaterWorks or on the slides and cannot be taken ashore.

Do you provide a formal lifeguard program?
We’ve put a lot of thought into our safety programs. We have made and will continue to make significant investments in training our employees through highly respected water safety training organizations on water safety, CPR and first aid as well as being prepared to initiate proactive intervention if necessary.

What sort of training do people receive?
Employees participating in water safety training are required to complete curriculum in water safety, CPR and first aid.

Is lifesaving equipment available at your pools?
Standard aquatic safety equipment is located at each pool.

What are the depths of the pools?
Depths vary by ship. For your cruise ship, click here.

What are your standard pool rules?
Pools are generally open 8:00am to midnight; hours may vary and are listed in Carnival's HUB App. 

The following Pool Rules signage is posted at all pools, fleet wide:

  • No Lifeguard on Duty
  • Parents are responsible for their children
  • No children in diapers or who are not toilet-trained
  • Use pool at your own risk
  • Showers are required prior to use
  • Watch your step on wet surfaces
  • Use ladder and handrails to ender and exit the pool
  • Do not use if you are experiencing diarrhea, vomiting or fever
  • No running, horseplay, jumping or diving
  • No glass containers, eating or smoking
  • Take children on frequent bathroom breaks  


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