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Conquest Class (CQ GL VA LI FD) Non-Converting Twin Beds

Published 03/11/2015 09:52 PM   |    Updated 01/29/2024 05:03 PM

All beds convert to the king configuration or twin configuration with the exception of the following:


Staterooms with one twin bed and one upper berth:

  • Category 1A:  1211, 1212, 1426, 1435, 6224, 6227, 6393, 7345, 8357


Staterooms with one twin bed and one sofa bed:

  • Catgory 1A:  1207, 1208, 2201, 2202, 2207, 2208, 2211, 2212, 2216, 2217


Staterooms with two twin beds that do not convert to the king configuration:

  • Category 4H: 9285 (Carnival Conquest only)
  • Category 4J:  7205, 7206
Staterooms with one king bed that does not convert to two twin beds:
The following staterooms are on Carnival Freedom.
  • Category 4H: 9285
  • Category 4J:  1001, 1002 
The following staterooms are on Carnival Conquest and Carnival Freedom:
  • Category 6B:  2470, 2473
  • Category 9B:  8442, 8449, 9205, 9206


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