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How can I see available Spa and Salon treatments and treatments I have purchased?

Published 12/15/2015 09:43 AM   |    Updated 06/19/2024 02:33 PM

In order to display available Spa and Salon treatments, please follow these steps:

  • Go to to
  • Click on 'Login', located at the top right of the screen
  • Log in with your email address and password
  • Select Manage My Booking in the center of the web page
  • Provide your reservation number and guest last name 
  • If your booking is not listed under your profile, add your booking via 'Manage Another Booking' found under the 'Manage' tab. Type in your booking number and last name
  • Under Cruise Manager, select Spa and Salon or if you want to narrow the search field to select the desired day of the week, under Planner, choose your desired day and select VIew our Spa Treatments
  • Once you have selected either link, you can narrow the search even further. If there are no Spa treatments listed, then they must be booked once you are on board, if available.
  • Please note: Spa and Salon treatments must be booked pre-cruise no later that three days prior to your sailing; not all treatments are bundle eligible. 
In order to display Spa and Salon treatments you have previously purchased, please follow these steps:
  • Go to to
  • Click on 'Login', located at the top right of the screen
  • Log in with your email address and password
  • Under Planner, you will find all Spa and Salon treatments already booked and purchased, listed under the day of your appointment.  

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