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Damaged or Lost Luggage

Published 05/28/2015 01:14 AM   |    Updated 03/28/2024 02:17 PM
If a guest determines that their bags have been damaged or lost during the embarkation process, they must complete a claim with Guest Services. If the bag is damaged and/or lost during the debarkation process they must complete a claim form with one of the port agents.  Please note that a claim form must be completed prior to leaving the terminal. Damaged or lost claims made after leaving the terminal will not be considered.
If a claim form was completed, upon your return home, please submit copies of the receipt(s) to repair your item(s) to Carnival’s maximum liability for lost or damaged bags is limited to US $250 per bag per Guest up to a maximum of two (2) bags per Guest for sailings 14 days or less and up to a maximum of three (3) bags per Guest for sailings 15 days or longer.  All receipts and claim form must be submitted to Guest Care within 30 days after debarkation via the contact form
If the guest discovers after returning home, they have mistakenly claimed someone else’s luggage or that their luggage is missing, they must contact Guest Care via the contact form
Note: Guests who purchased Carnival’s Vacation Protection may also be eligible for reimbursement of up to $1,500 USD for lost or damaged luggage. Baggage benefits are secondary to any coverage available from the third party responsible for the loss as well as homeowner's/renter's/condo insurance. Refer to for additional details.  

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