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Duty-Free Allowance

Published 03/11/2015 10:43 PM   |    Updated 01/18/2023 03:50 PM

The following procedures pertain to U.S residents and Non-U.S residents returning to the United States.

Guests who have not exceeded the allowance listed below are not required to complete a form but will make an oral declaration to the U.S Customs Border and Protection officers on the last morning of the cruise, declaring if the following are true: 

  • The value of goods being brought back does not exceed allowable amount
  • No accompanying articles are forwarded in bond
  • No articles are being imported for others or for sale

Guests who have exceeded the allowance listed below are required to complete one U.S Customs Declaration Form, per household which includes those family members traveling with them who reside at the same address.

The Head of Household must declare all merchandise purchased or acquired abroad and which he/she is bringing back into the United States. That includes items purchased in duty-free shops (on board) and in port as well as items received as gifts. It also includes items the guests have begun to use or are wearing. All purchases must be listed on the back of the U.S. Customs declaration form. Undeclared merchandise is subject to seizure and/or penalty. If the family has exceeded the U.S. Customs exemptions, the Head of Household must present him or herself with receipts to the U.S Customs Border and Protection officers on the last morning of the cruise. Cash is only accepted for payment of additional taxes exceeding the Duty-Free allowance.


Duty-Free Allowance

Non-U.S Residents must comply with Customs laws set-up by the Customs Office in their particular country. Specific information will be provided on board the ship. 

Duty-Free Allowance for U.S Residents

Domestic itineraries that include any of the U.S Virgin Islands (St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John)

  • $1600 (retail) of duty-free purchases per person may be spent. No more than $800 can be purchased outside the U.S Virgin Islands or onboard 
  • One liter of alcohol per person and an additional four liters if purchased in the U.S Virgin Islands; one of the additional liters must be a product of the U.S Virgin Islands (guest must be at least 21 years old) 
  • One carton of cigarettes and an additional four cartons if purchased in the U.S Virgin Islands (guest must be at least 21 years) 
  • One hundred cigars (guest must be at least 21 years old; Cuban cigars are allowed) 
All other domestic itineraries
  • $800 (retail) of duty-free purchases per person may be spent 
  • One liter of alcohol per person (guest must be at least 21 years old)  
  • One carton of cigarettes (guest must be at least 21 years old) 
  • One hundred cigars (guest must be at least 21 years old; Cuban cigars are allowed) 

Duty-Free Allowance for Canadian Residents

  • $800 Canadian (retail) worth of tax and duty-free purchases per person may be spent 
  • 1.5 liters of wine or 1.14 liters of alcohol per person (guest must be at least 21 years old)  
  • One carton of cigarettes (guest must be at least 21 years old) 
  • 50 cigars (guest must be at least 21 years old) 

Registering Valuables Before Leaving Home
It is recommended that guests register their valuables with Customs before leaving home. This should be done well in advance of travel at a Customs office near home. Items that should be registered generally include those not manufactured in their country. If the guest cannot prove that they own an item prior to departure, Customs officials may charge them duty to bring the item back into the country. Customs pays particular attention to cameras (including special lenses and video equipment), binoculars, radios, laptop computers, foreign-made watches and other similar appliances.

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