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Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010

Published 03/11/2015 10:01 PM   |    Updated 02/13/2024 02:06 PM
The safety and security of our guests is among our top priorities. Our excellent record of safe operation since Carnival’s founding in 1972, and the comprehensive safety standards we continue to live up to every day, proves that commitment.
Our ships operate in full compliance with — and in many cases exceed — all U.S. and international safety regulations. Here are just a few examples of what we do to ensure a safe environment for our guests and crew members, while maintaining our excellent record of safety:
  • All Carnival officers and crew undergo comprehensive regular safety and emergency training that meets or exceeds all regulatory requirements.
  • Our crew members undergo specific training to handle emergency situations and help our guests. Crew roles, responsibilities and duties are clearly defined and assigned to handle any emergency on board.
  • The average sea farer experience of our captains is 32.6 years (23.6 years with Carnival Cruise Line and nine years prior to joining us).
  • All Carnival ships are designed and operated in compliance with strict requirements of international law, which ensure that they are able to remain safe under a variety of adverse conditions.
  • All of our ships are equipped with the most advanced navigation technology, and our officers are expertly trained in its use. As part of our comprehensive bridge team management system, we always have multiple people on the bridge watch.
  • Carnival ship undergoes an inspection as mandated by the U.S. Coast Guard every 3-6 months, which verifies safety processes and procedures. In addition, a third-party organization conducts annual inspections of the ship and our safety processes.
Additionally, it is our normal procedure to conduct a mandatory lifeboat drill at the start of every voyage. The purpose of the drill is to ensure that guests know where to go and what to do in case of emergency. On Carnival Cruise Line's ships, the drill is normally conducted prior to sailing.
Our lifeboats are tested during regularly-scheduled drills to make certain that they are in proper working order. Lifeboats carry survival kits with food and water, first aid supplies, and signaling and communication devices. Additionally, we conduct a full scale lifeboat exercise every month, where we simulate emergency conditions and our technical teams practice all operational procedures. Our life boats are routinely inspected, tested and certified by a third-party organization.
We also ensure that the number of lifejackets, lifeboats and life rafts on each Carnival ship exceed the number required, based on the ship's maximum capacity for passengers and crew.
Any allegation of a serious crime committed aboard a Carnival ship sailing from North America is immediately reported to law enforcement in accordance with the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010. As required by US law, you may view statistics related to the allegation of crimes aboard all cruise lines on the US Department of Transportation website. Note that the statistics include all allegations, even those from cases where investigations later found the allegation to be untrue. Also, to interpret the statistics properly, keep in mind that Carnival carries more guests than any other cruise line — more than 5.5 million per year.
This website can also be accessed via by proceeding to the global footer on the home page and clicking on the Legal Notices section; visitors will find the Incident Reporting Statistics link that will take them to the web site where this information will be maintained. 

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