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Sail & Sign Kiosk

Published 03/11/2015 10:00 PM   |    Updated 11/15/2022 03:17 PM

The Sail & Sign Kiosk is a self service terminal enabling guests on board to conveniently manage and access their onboard Sail & Sign accounts.

On most ships, Kiosks are located near Guest Services and The Fun Shops. Some are located near the Casino and Promenade Cafe.

The terminal is accessed by using the touch screen monitor which allows application navigation. Throughout the screens, various navigational options are available. The functions within the kiosks are:

  • Check Sail & Sign balance
  • View statement / Print statement
  • Review or restrict Account Users
    • Set charge limit
    • Set-up guest as ‘Not Authorized’ to charge
  • Open new accounts
  • Apply payments (cash and credit card)
  • Withdraw cash ($5 or more); any balance left on the guest’s Sail &Sign account less than $5, the guest will receive the regular Bank of America check at the end of the cruise
  • Change bills into smaller bills (Kiosk will dispense $20 / $10 / $5)
    • U.S bills only
    • Bills will be converted into the next smaller denominations available; Example: $50 bill = $20 + $20 + $10

Sail & Sign Kiosks are featured on all ships.



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